Donate Financially

Questions about making a donation?
Please contact Kendra Balod at

ChangeMakers Club
By making a weekly or monthly recurring donation, SafeHaven can always count on your support! Recurring donors automatically join our ChangeMakers Club and enjoy special benefits.  

SafeFutures Society
SafeFutures Society is comprised of donors who give $1,000 or more in a calendar year. Members receive exclusive benefits, including free tickets to SafeHaven events, personalized children’s artwork and more!  

Tribute Gifts 
Honor or memorialize a loved one by making a gift to SafeHaven. We will send a card to them or their family acknowledging your gift.  

Leave A Legacy 
Talk with your financial advisor to set up a plan regarding general bequests, donating mineral rights, donating a 401K and more. Legacy donors are encouraged to contact Megan Bent at  

Third-Party Fundraisers 
Fill out an application and learn more about hosting your own fundraiser to benefit SafeHaven.