Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Here we are – it’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month! 

As Tarrant County’s only state-designated “Family Violence Program,” SafeHaven has a unique and unparalleled role. We own and manage the county’s only two domestic violence shelters, we facilitate the county’s only High Risk Team, and we answer the county’s only domestic violence hotline. But in many ways, SafeHaven is the leader locally for “all things domestic violence” – both specifically and universally. 

We’re excited to share what all we have been working on behind the scenes throughout this coming month, and we hope you can be proud knowing what all your support is doing for survivors in Tarrant County. 


Why Do We Start By Believing? 

When times are hard, friends and loved ones gather around for support.  

This happens all the time - at a funeral, a home invasion, a bad storm or a threatening diagnosis. During those times, no one blames the victim for what has happened. 

All that is offered is unconditional support. 

It should be the same with intimate partner violence. Abusive relationships are unpredictable and just as devastating. However, all too often victims who work up the courage to tell someone are not believed. 

Worse yet, victims are often blamed. 

Then, a terrifying incident and tenuous relationship become a source of shame and secrets - not support. And that pain ripples with destructive effects on families, communities and the very fabric of our society. 

Intimate partner violence hurts everyone. 

SafeHaven of Tarrant County is dedicated to ending domestic violence. That change starts with the way we respond to intimate partner violence in our homes and neighborhoods. With the important message of "Start By Believing," our goal is to pave the way for survivors to pursue justice and healing, so the decision to come forward and seek help is a safe one. 

Please join us, and help transform this message into a reality in Tarrant County. 


How To Respond 

- Listen and Believe 

First and foremost, listen. It takes a lot of courage and strength to offer an outcry, so it's important that outcry is met with a listening ear and open heart. 

- Don't Blame Her 

Our culture has a common phrase we learn as children: it takes two to tango. In relationships marred by violence, it only takes one. There is nothing that justifies abuse, so don't ask the victim what her role was in the incident. She already feels shame, and questioning her contribution only makes it worse. 


- Offer Unconditional Support 

Often, our gut instinct is to think, "If I were her, I'd just leave!" Victims know their abusers best, and likewise, know how to navigate their relationship best. It takes most victims between six and nine attempts to leave their abuser before that separation is permanent. Remind her that leaving the relationship is not a condition of your support. 


- Let the Victim Guide Her Journey 

Your friends has confided in you because she trusts you. Offer support and resources. Let her navigate the process of leaving. Give her SafeHaven's 24-hour emergency hotline: (877) 701-7233. 


- Call Us With Questions 

SafeHaven operates the only domestic violence hotline for Tarrant County and has trained bilingual advocates who answer 24/7. The hotline number is (877) 701-7233. 

Mary Martin

Mary is the founder of Lift Communications, a communications consulting firm serving small nonprofits, and the managing editor for Dallas Doing Good, a media platform highlighting nonprofit luminaries in North Texas.

Mary loves reading, listening to podcasts, and baking bread. She graduated from Southeastern University with a degree in Journalism & Public Relations, giving her a permanent excuse to ask people to share their life stories. Originally from Orlando, Florida, Mary lives in Plano with her husband, Damien, and their two young boys, Lucas and Elijah.

Fort Worth Weekly: Kathryn Jacob talks DV


Survivor Stories: MARY